One Family, within One Community, serving Four Congregations.

ORCF Israel Relief Fund
When you click on the button, you will be directed to the payment portal for the Ocean Reef Community Foundation, and your gift will go directly to the Ocean Reef Community Foundation Israel Relief Fund. All donations will be 100% deductible. Recipients of the funds appear on the ORCF donation page.
Alternatively, checks can be made out to the Ocean Reef Community Foundation, designated Israel Emergency Fund and mailed to:
Ocean Reef Community Foundation
35 Ocean Reef
Suite 148
Key Largo, FL 33037
Questions? Email Jessica at jessica@orcchapel.org or Susan at shirschbiel@congregationor.org
About Us
Congregation Ocean Reef cultivates a Jewish community of purposeful belonging. The Foundational Principles of Judaism are the Worship of G-d, Study of Torah and Tikkun Olam. We aim to inspire and support spiritual journeys by deepening relationships with one another. Our goal is to create a vibrant, inclusive spiritual community here at the Reef.